Complex equipment of educational institutions

Picture of Interactive Whiteboard with Projector

Interactive Whiteboard with Projector

Today, standard interactive whiteboards with projectors are far from innovative educational solutions. This has long been the habitual practice of many educational institutions in Ukraine.

However, having successful experience in supplying this type of equipment, we will be happy to find the best solution for your school!

How do we see them?

We strive to bring the educational process of Ukraine to a new level

The modern education system competes with the entertainment sector and needs perception mechanisms that will allow students to be involved in the process of learning new knowledge. Indeed, effective learning is driven by interest, which must first be formed and then supported.


We offer innovative solutions of virtual (VR) and additional (AR) reality, which allow you to simulate comfortable conditions for obtaining completely new knowledge.

What is the advantage of virtual and augmented realities?

  • They allow you to create an environment that is perceived by a person through the sensory organs. In fact, VR / AR allows you to simulate comfortable conditions for acquiring new knowledge, and especially for teaching children, adolescents and youth.
  • Mixed reality removes emotional barriers, helping students look at the world from a new angle. Immersive technologies make it possible to create optimal conditions for students to work together and open up previously inaccessible experience.

What is needed for this?

Picture of Windows 10 device

Windows 10 device

Each Windows Mixed Reality-enabled device expands your perception and makes lessons more interesting.

Picture of Immersive headset

Immersive headset

Lightweight and comfortable high-tech headset from leading manufacturers.

Picture of Mixed reality software

Mixed reality software

Thanks to mixed reality applications, the school curriculum is perceived in a completely new way.

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