
Review of fingerprint usb flash

Fingerprint usb flash or biometric flash drive – gives new opportunities to protect personal data, confidential information, as well as financial data. Suitable for both business and personal use, especially for people who own information of an official or purely personal nature. A big plus is that the information can be stored both in the usual format (not hidden) and in encrypted.

A flash drive with a fingerprint scanner, which gives new opportunities to protect confidential information and financial data. Great for both business and personal use.

  • An advantage over conventional flash drives is – individual biometric identification and reliability.
  • A flash drive with a fingerprint function recognizes the user by fingerprint. Since each person has unique information, therefore, no one except you will be able to access confidential information.
  • The versatility is ensured by the presence of two memory sections in the usb drive with a public (Public) and secret (Secure) area, which allows you to place and sort information at your discretion and by degree of importance.
  • You have the opportunity to independently distribute the total amount of memory between the public and hidden areas.
  • You have the opportunity to independently distribute the total number of fingerprints through 360 ° – protected fingerprints that allow you to scan your finger from any angle. Thanks to biometric encryption, 100% protection of your data is guaranteed.f memory between public and hidden areas.
  • It is possible to add up to 10 unique prints.

Fingerprint usb flash setup

Typically, the addition of fingerprints occurs immediately when you connect a usb flash drive to your computer. When you start the Finger Tool – you need to add the fingerprint of the device administrator. Thus, you can add other prints (up to 10). Also, in the “Partition” tab, you can configure how much memory the open area and encrypted will occupy. To do this, simply move the cursor to the right side to Secure, if you want to allocate more space to the public part.

Thus, fingerprint biometric printing for data protection can be a useful gift for executives, directors, top managers, as well as your friends and acquaintances. Ideal for storing cryptocurrencies, digital signatures and any personal data.

According to the manufacturers, the reading error: 0.001%.

Biometric USB flash drives on the market are represented by colors, material quality, form factor and memory size. But as a rule, manufacturers adhere to the classic look

If you are interested in this USB with a fingerprint, contact us, we will select a biometric flash drive for you, with the possibility of applying a logo.


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