In an environment where all businesses and government agencies are forced to move their jobs remotely, there are more and more questions about how procurement can be successful in such circumstances, and what tools for teleworking will most help?
Can I suspend purchases for quarantine? No, there is no such button in Prozorro. But you can always plan your own procurement plan and decide how much you need them now.
Most customers are accustomed to meeting the tender committee offline and to jointly decide on a particular procurement. Today, everything is possible and even necessary to do online.
For example, if you need to discuss the tender documentation, you can do so in Google Docs or other text editors. Google-Docs has the ability to share text, share comments, or make suggestions for specific changes.
How to review the bids?
Likewise, by email or other messengers, the Tender Committee secretary may inform all other TC members that the Bidder’s proposal is currently being considered and the tender shall be referenced. And each TC member can independently enter the tender card and view the Prozorro Participant’s documents.
If you need to discuss the details of the purchase further, you can create an online appointment on Google Calendar. In addition, there are many remote tools available for video conferencing and calling. Including:
• Microsoft Teams
• Slack
• Discord
• Zoom
• Skype
• and other.
For installation and setup work on these systems, you can contact our technicians and get individual advice.
How does a manager sign a contract?
By agreeing to the terms of the agreement, the Participant may sign it on his / her own behalf and send the courier to your manager or any other authorized person. The Participant then signs the contract and scans or takes a photo of it and sends it to you for publication.
If you did not receive a scanned copy of the contract, but simply photos of different pages of the contract, then translate it into PDF format and prepare for publication.
To publish documents to the system, you do not need to be in your workplace, you can do it anywhere you have Internet access.
If the procurement is handled by an authorized person, it becomes even easier to organize one person’s work. There are many mechanisms in place to help organize remote work and work online. Moreover, such tools will greatly save your time now and save you time in the future.
Therefore, a successful tender under quarantine is possible! And modern remote control solutions and technologies will help you do this.
For more tips on how to arrange your purchase so that it doesn’t break down, check with our specialists.